Part 12: Page 12

That was a rather spectacular entrance. All systems seem to be intact, though.

The fall made us drop the glowing gem. Grab it again.

The dwellers mumble something.
The translator responds with "Follow us, beanpole!". They hurry away.

If you've never played SQ2, pay special attention to this screen. Don't move on until you think you know how to get out of the canyon.

>say the word
Did you figure it out? ... Liar.

hold gem in mouth
Ah. Better. Not a great deal better, but better.
Surely there's nothing dangerous in these caves.

Oh my. Now you know why they wanted to close the hole behind you. You have become the unwilling victim of the dreaded cave squid! Tough luck.

Might as well try the left tunnel first.

AFter caroming off of a pair of rock out-croppings, you find a final resting place at the base of the falls.
Alright, then. Let's go back and try the right tunnel.

As you enter another of the mysterious subterranian chambers you realize that the water is now racing towards a giant whirlpool in the middle of the area. You are caught in the strong current, powerless to alter your course.
Your body is sucked down until, finally, you are able to resist no more and must yield to the overwhelming force.
They're both deadly!?

Geez! That was quite a trip. Peering around, you find yourself out in the open again.
... Wait, what?

Oh good, a dead end.

You give the whistle a toot. It makes an odd sound.
You hear an incredible whirring and grinding sound coming from the north.
Suddenly, a labian terror beast buzzes into the room like a tornado! And he looks like he could do as much damage as one!
He looks friendly, right?

Well, ain't that a hoot. That guy reduced you to a mult-colored mound of cole-slaw like matter. Better than a Murphco Slice-O-Matic. You are dead, however.
Maybe he's a huge nerd?

You chuck the Cubix Rube puzzle over to the beast.
The beast appears interested in your offering.
Curiosity gets the better of him as he reaches down for it.
He seems quite perplexed by the puzzling plastic polyhedron.

You cleverly use the athletic supporter to sling the rock at the guard. It makes serious contact with the side of his head. (We like the way you think.)
He drops like a lead parakeet. The ripe thud of the impact is momentarily sickening. He is perfectly still.

You slide the keycard into the slot, then remove it.
As soon as the elevator door behind you closes, the platform you rest on begins to rise.

>enter ship
You open the hatch and head on in.

>push power
>turn dial
The attitude dial is now set to VAC.
>push thruster button
The shuttle begins to vibrate as the ascent thrusters ignite.

Finally, some alone time. In SPACE!

Not even the playboy channel

... Maybe he wants to be friends?